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It's your life, let's plan for it
Christian Bishop CFP®, EA
Jul 15, 20194 min read
Pet Insurance, is it Really Worth it?
I am pretty sure that Rory and Gwen do not know that they are dogs, the fact is they are. But they are so much more than pets, they are...
Christian Bishop CFP®, EA
May 15, 20194 min read
How to protect your special needs child’s financial future.
My son has autism, but autism isn’t his world.  Like most people his world is more than a label. It includes wants, desires, dreams and...
Christian Bishop CFP®, EA
Apr 5, 20194 min read
Haven’t filed your taxes yet? You’re a genius!
Tax filing deadline is fast approaching! If you are like me, you still haven’t got your taxes done and probably won’t until the last...
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